Going to Nepal

Joe's wild, zany adventures to Nepal and at home.

12 January 2004

I've added a comment section now. (thanks seppo!!!!) So you can tell me what you think of what I'm putting up here. I skipped the iPod, went for a cheaper option. Got the camera, Nikon N70 used, if only I could find an owners manual. Met a friend of a friend who spent two years in Nepal with the Peace Corp, lots of good stuff from that conversation. Apparently there is a disease that will make you REALLY tired, not hungry, and depressed. Great. I hope to avoid that. In other good news, the food is spicy. VERY SPICY, steve-0 spicy. My poor, poor stomach, perhaps I will have to begin drinking milk again in order to combat the upset stomach. Wow, I sure am going to miss this place.


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