Going to Nepal

Joe's wild, zany adventures to Nepal and at home.

15 January 2004

Well this is it. Today is my last day of work before.......What? The rest of my life? This is the first day of the rest of my life. Wow. The so-called end of an era. It doesn't seem like the end. I suppose that when I get up tomorrow it may, but perhaps not. Perhaps next week. I have been a part of this business for over 10 years. My life has been centered here. It will always be in my blood and my soul. .............nope, still doesn't feel like it's happening. Or perhaps it is, having never lost a job (or had another one for that matter) I don't know what it feels like to leave one. There is no sense of impending doom, merely the sense of stepping through a door into another room, with more doors, more options and opportunity to truely see what is in this world for me. I suppose that when I am dead, any obituary should read that I was a grocery man first, started life as meat clean up guy, worked my way up to checker and clean up guy, then closer and checker and clean up guy, then order writer/closer/checker/clean up guy, this list could go on and on and on. I have become an integral, but not unreplacable part of this institution, a part of the lore that is "the vill". Stories will be told of the early mornings, and the long hours, but I hope, mostly about the way that I always have a smile to wear and one to share, even in the pre-dawn hours.


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