Going to Nepal

Joe's wild, zany adventures to Nepal and at home.

16 April 2004

Happy Post Tax Day!!! I hope that this season was survived by all with at least some happiness. I know that Uncle Sam will take his fare share of mine when I get home. BUT I FILED AN EXTENSION, so I don't have to pay until later, but pay I will. Bastards. If only losing several months wages was deductable. Or volunteer work. Things are going great here. School has been in session for two weeks and we still have yet to get text books. This makes teaching a bit difficult. I work from last years text, and can't really give homework as they don't have the books. I get the sense that the reason we started on the first of the month was so that the school could collect a full months tuition. Compouding this lack of educational materials is the fact that there are students in grade one who should be in Sr.KG and kids in Sr.KG who should be in Jr. One of the teachers told me to just hold their hands. I try, but this slows down the progress of the entire class. Example: Sr.KG has 5 students. Three of them can listen and write the following sentance: THIS IS A LION. Two of them can't spell "this" or "is" or "a" or "lion". A bit frustrating. So I have those who can help those who can't. This breaks down into all out copying. It's fun. No, really it is. I'm starting to enjoy it.
There isn't to much else to report, Ma you don't have to worry about my safety, every time I leave someplace after 7, I get asked to call them and let them know I arrived home safely. I feel as though I'm 14 again. Speaking of which, I also look that way again. Love to all.


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