Going to Nepal

Joe's wild, zany adventures to Nepal and at home.

24 March 2004

Had a great Tuesday, Nepal time. After school I rode to Kopan [I love this part- www.kopan-monestary.com], which is on a hill over looking the valley and Boudnath. The ride took 45 minutes and was mostly uphill (think Old Tunnel Road, but steeper.). Oh my was it worth it. The monestary does not charge for entry (yeah!!) and the views were stunning. In addition, there was not very much noise. This is a marked change from the rest of the places that I have been. It seems that not many tourists come up there, however those that do either a) are there for the day or b) are there for up to 5 months on retreats. I met a gentleman from CO. who is there with his wife. The first month they could talk half time, the second not at all, and the third only half time again. This guy was a gabber. I also chatted with a Nepali who was studying on the top a hill over looking most of the monestary. He and I discussed the restrictions of the caste system, the difficulty of the educational system and how his dad wanted him to get married NOW (he's 20). He helped me with my Nepali and I with his english. I left around 6 and didn't get home till 7. Haven't quite firgured out the distance on the ride, but I would guess it at 20k. Not that far, but I hit traffic. Imagine street traffic so bad that it's stop and go for the bikes. I feel like I should take up smoking, my lungs might be cleaner. I should have listened to a friend who told me to bring a face mask of some sort. Thanks to all the kids at the Vill for the card.


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