Going to Nepal

Joe's wild, zany adventures to Nepal and at home.

19 March 2004

Things are pretty good here. I realized that while I maybe riding a 28lb cycle to the school now, I basically suck down a pack of cigarettes to get there. I have sent my first batch of postcards, it'll be interesting to see how long they take to get to the States. They are actually not that cheap here. 20r for the card then 18 for the stamp. Email runs 25r/hr. The rafting/chitwan trip has likely been delayed as the Maoists have called for a Banda on the 6, 7, 8 of April. When they call them this far in advance, they usually work for that legenth of time. In other sporting news, India beat Pakistan in cricket, but just barely. I am slowly learning how this game is played, and while I won't go as far as to call it interesting, it's not as boring as I thought. DON"T ASK ME THE RULES. I don't know it that well. I have also taken to playing Basketball with the kids at the school next to our house. The past two days. If I was playing against 5 kids in the states of the age of 9, I would get my ass kicked. HOWEVER, these kids don't dribble and it appears they think the object is to get the ball, and keep it away from EVERYONE ELSE, even their own team. I spend most of the time laughing my ass off. It's really fun. On Wednesday night they were load shedding [load shedding- the random loss of power around the Kathmandu Valley in order to keep the central part of town powered. They don't announce it, it just happens and you deal. Think CA. during the energy crisis but without the warning], so there was no reason to be inside. We played till 7:30. Totally dark out. The ball was a mere shadow, a phantom, didn't matter, they wern't passing. Several heads were knocked. I played barefoot. Haven't worn shoes since Saturday, maybe sunday. I'm not really sure. Or ridden in a car. Life is grand.


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