Going to Nepal

Joe's wild, zany adventures to Nepal and at home.

02 March 2004

Had a bit more of the practice teaching yesterday. The educational system in Nepal is DRASTICALLY different that the states. The information that they are, quite literally, fed is then regergatated back onto their homeworks, which they do in class as the teacher is feeding them the answer. My favorite line from yesterday: After reading from the book the teacher told the students : I have told you what you need to know, now it is your job to learn it. HUH? All you did was read from the book. They can do that, they know how to read. What about questions from the students? None. How did they answer questions? In unison. The teacher called one student lazy in front of the whole class. For what purpose? To encourage the child? He's in 5th grade. In the classes that I led, I mainly discussed the cultural differences between the US and Nepal. Eating, bathing, CASTE, holidays, etc. They wanted to know what I ate instead of dal bhaat thaalcurrie for dinner. The existance of a choice slightly baffled them. Mexican food. Huh? Pasta. Huh? When it came to caste systems, they wondered why their wasn't one in the US, but did not want to ask any question about it. I found that ironic. The existance of equality is a bit tough to explain to an 8 y/o. I decided not to press the issue. Other than that I haven't been up to all that much. The stupa that I went to was Boudanath, the one that ma&pop have been to is Swaybunath. I go there tomorrow I think. It sits on a hill over looking KTM and with the way the weather has been, could make for some amazing pictures. I saw the Himalayas yesterday while I was out develping some pictures. Just one mountain. That in and of it's self was stunning. I'm still looking for a place to upload the pictures that I have. . [holding hands- so in Nepal there is no PDA (public display of affection), that means that you can't hold hands with your GF, HOWEVER two male/female friends can and do. I felt like all of Kathmandu was the Castro the first few days that I was here.] Guess that's about it. More later..........


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