PART II of National Water Ballon FIght Day. I ate breakfast before the onslaught began. Yesterday there was random fire from roof tops, today, the assault began in ernest. AND TOMORROW IS THE REAL HOLIDAY!!! So today I was standing at the front of our house when SPLATT!! A near miss. Then another (remember that they play cricket here, NOT BASEBALL). Damn kids of the roof next to us. Then the people from accross the street joined in. 10 on 1. I didn't like the odds as I had not ONE ballon. So I ran down the street [dirt road, even in downtown Kathmandu there are dirt roads. It normally doesn't bother me, but when the water hits near you on the ground you don't just get wet, you get dirty.] to get some balloons. Nepali water balloons are, without a doubt, the WORST in the world, from a pack of 20, I got one that didn't a)pop first b) have a hole c) wouldn't even take water. Thus armed I threw my bastard balloon at the kids on the roof. I don't even know if I hit them, they knew that I was armed. I quickly broke open my second pack. Score two working balloons. The kids accross the street were uping the assault, so I chose to go after them. What does one do against 6? The unexpected. Attack. I ran accross the road and nailed two people before quickly retreating to my fortress. Their attacks then began in ernest. Still chosing to throw from afar, I got brazen and stood in the walkway leading up to our house. Several near misses. Cricket playing little punks. I retreated. Realizing that if the kids on the roof top, who have a clear shot into our yard and water "hose" [volume-1g per 5minutes. So not a usefull weapon] were to team up with the kids from accross the street, I was up that well known tributary without any visible means of propulsion. It didn't take them long to realize a) I was out of ballons b) that the high ground is the best. The light bulb went on. They joined forces, as I watched them cross the road, I felt as I imagine the Marines felt at Chosin, SCREWED. I again was left with one option. Attack. But with what? AH, the FIVE GALLON BUCKET THAT WAS FULL OF WATER. I picked it up. Charged up the stairs, up the staircase to the roof, crazy eyed and cursing (not really). Now we had a stalemate. They had their balloons, I had my bucket (which lost 1/3 of it's water on the way up, that ended up on me) and was standing by the only exit. Sure, they could throw, but who started the arms race? THE AMERICANS BABY!!!!!!! A stalemate was reached and an understanding that if they threw, I would douse. Peace. On my block. HOWEVER, when I leave the block, I am target du jour. MMMM, that sounds good, I'll have that. (just for you keith!!). I feel like that deer in the FAR SIDE, "BUmmer of a birth mark Hal." I walk the streets watching all roof tops ready to roll out of the way. I have found one way to stop the onslaught, and that is by making eye contact with them and continuing to stare as you walk by. Little punks. Reminds of myself on Wildwood Gardens. Now I am the target. They'll have to work to get their shots in. I am NOT looking forward to tomorrow. Anyone got an umbrella? SOME DECENT FRIGGIN' WATER BALLOONS???!?!!!! A hose? Anything? I'm toast.
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