Going to Nepal

Joe's wild, zany adventures to Nepal and at home.

14 April 2004

Well this past week was Nepali New Year. And I had a great post, but lost it somehow, the second in under a week. Apparently not only did I come to Nepa, but I went 57 years into the future. It's now 1 Bisak (month) 2061. Strange. There were no parites, I was up til midnight reading social theory. A very sedate new year, not like running about San Fran looking for lost souls. That is the final shot of that joke. :D So to celebrate I gave a lecture to the new group of volunteers on cultural intergration from a westerners view point. I may not be an expert, but I have been here longer then they have. They appreciated it, mostly asking questions about the educational system.
On monday night I went to the Himalayan Buddist Meditation Center for a meditation session. This was the first time in my life that I have done anything like this, but with my budding interest in Buddism, I was really looking foward to it. We sat on cushions on the floor, with the correct psture (they told us to imagine someone pulling a the point in your skill where the spinal column meets the skull), let me tell you, this hurts after about 1minute, and we were there for 40. The first twenty minute session we focused on the elements of the body: water, bone, blood, and air. I had some very strange sensations while this was taking place. I felt alternately like I was very small, as thought my back was being pushed into my hands, almost as though my body did not exist. THe other sensation was one of almost seperating from myself. ALmost a flying sensation that we all experience in dreams as a child, but much more intense and real. Almost as though I was being drawn upwards. I would have thoughts while this was taking place, so it wasn't as though my mind were blank, just focused on the experience that it was going through.


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