So I had an interesting thought last evening after I sent out some photos. They were mostly pictures of futball, going to bars and drinking beer. I sent them to some of the volunteers that I worked with in Nepal, and specifically to Stijn. Now Stijn is an interesting guy. If he lived in the Bay Area, I would definatly call him one of my closest friends. Right now he is in Hanoi. He left Nepal to go Vietnam and do volunteer work until the end of the year, then he is going BACK to Nepal to do another three or four months of work there in a Buddist Monestary near Pokhara. What I realized is that his life is so far removed from this place, that pictures of people partying, something that he isn't really big on anyway. I don't know how I would have felt getting pictures like that while I was in Nepal. Big nights out clubbing are things that just don't occur to you while in places like those. You spend so much time trying to become part of the culture, intergrating, that a night out on the town is the furthest thing from your mind.
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