I think that I've got a cold. My head is all stuffed up, my ears need popping, and my body feels sore. I keep thinking that taking up a serious coffee habit will help aleviate some of the problems, but I know that it won't. Spent this past weekend in Tahoe, sleeping, eating, swimming and rock climbing. It was my brother's bachlor/bachlorette party. We had a great time. There was no drunkeness (mikkel's coming to town, I'm saving up for his visit), we play trivial persuit on Saturday night, and I should have won. It was the ninties edition, I gots the pop culture knowledge. I lost because I didn't know stupid questions about chat rooms. Whatever. My dominance was clear.
Yesterday I started cleaning out boxes in my room. Going through old financial statements and papers. The plan is to go through all the boxes and figure out what I'm actually going to need to keep packing and moving on to the next space for the rest of my life. Seppo and Ei-Nyung inspired to do this, they cleaned up the living room over the weekend, it looks great. Ei-Nyung is giving me an old desk of her's to put in my room, which wil be great, then I'll have a place to put my computer, and my room will really start to come together.
I'm trying to get back to Nepal in October. I found a ticket for $1200, round trip. That's so much cheaper than anything else that I'd found. Now to arrange the time off of work.
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