I had my birthday party this past Saturday night. It was heaps of fun. I managed to draw that fine line between drinking to much and being sick and having lots of fun. Didn't get sick, but I did wake up with little headache. I awoke to the sound of Seppo continuing to hack at the root in the front yard. Two things dawned on me. One, he'd hurt his wrist twice already doing this. And two, he'd gotten up before me. I informed him of both observations. He told me that he'd gone to bed before me as well, another first. Back to the party, there won't be any great recap except to say that it was lots of fun, however, a single observation. Before I get rightious, I am guility of this as well. Why is it that people say they will show up and don't? A good 15-20 RSVP'd saying they'd be there and didn't arrive. Now I got beer and food assuming a particular attendance level and that level was alot higher than the actually number of people. Is it our generation that has decided that it can make commitments and back out on them? As I mentioned, I am guilty of this as well, but I'm making a conscious effort to work on this. Maybe it's just me.
As I was leaving the house last night to go see Mingus Big Band at Yoshi's with Steve, I grabbed my cell phone and wallet. I put my wallet in my front pocket and my cell in my zippered pocket. It occured to me that I would rather have my wallet stolen than my cell. Sure getting a new license, canceling credit cards and losing a bit of cash is a pain, but what about the 250+ phone numbers in my cell that arn't written down anywhere? Yea, big loss there. Given a choice by a thief, I'd rather have my wallet stolen. And I'd also like to meet the thief that would give me the option to lose one or the other. Anyone else's thoughts on this? Cell phone or wallet?
Social faux pau of the week: Before the concert Steve and I had dinner at Everet and Jones in Downtown Oaklandish. Gary was going meets us there and promptly reminds me that it was so kind of me to invite a vegatarian to a BBQ joint. Doh. Now there are two types of veggies, some like my pop, do it for health reason and others, like Gary, do it because they love animals. He'll eat fish, but "not squid and octapus, they're intelligent". Man, did I feel like a jack ass.
As I was leaving the house last night to go see Mingus Big Band at Yoshi's with Steve, I grabbed my cell phone and wallet. I put my wallet in my front pocket and my cell in my zippered pocket. It occured to me that I would rather have my wallet stolen than my cell. Sure getting a new license, canceling credit cards and losing a bit of cash is a pain, but what about the 250+ phone numbers in my cell that arn't written down anywhere? Yea, big loss there. Given a choice by a thief, I'd rather have my wallet stolen. And I'd also like to meet the thief that would give me the option to lose one or the other. Anyone else's thoughts on this? Cell phone or wallet?
Social faux pau of the week: Before the concert Steve and I had dinner at Everet and Jones in Downtown Oaklandish. Gary was going meets us there and promptly reminds me that it was so kind of me to invite a vegatarian to a BBQ joint. Doh. Now there are two types of veggies, some like my pop, do it for health reason and others, like Gary, do it because they love animals. He'll eat fish, but "not squid and octapus, they're intelligent". Man, did I feel like a jack ass.
At 4:58 PM,
eingy said…
Would rather lose the cell phone. I don't have all my various accounts written down... But I will rectify this before the honeymoon. :D
At 9:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
You shouldn't feel too bad about inviting the vegetarian to the bbq joint. I had a friend who is a strict vegetarian for religious reasons. On his birthday, his "friends" took him to a STEAK house to celebrate. He ate dessert while they chowed on steaks.
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