Going to Nepal

Joe's wild, zany adventures to Nepal and at home.

27 February 2007

Comfy, comforting, contained........

Excitement. Today, this weekend, April, for a while.

Today. I made my bed (shaddup). Changed the sheets, put on the duvet cover ( I always struggle with this). Puffed up the feather bed, rotated the mattress. So excited, my bed will be so comfy tonight. It's like four feet tall. :D

This weekend. I have Sat, Sun, Mon off. I'm going to Hawaii. The Cuz is free, WB is free. It's on like Donkey Kong. I get in Friday night at 9:45, have a few beers, sleep. SCUBA on Sat am. No plans the rest of the weekend. My flight leaves Mon night at 9:45 and I arrive at SFO at 4:45am on Tue. Straight to work. Comforting to see the Cuz and WB.

April. I'm going to Nicaragua with E&ML to see M's family. It'll be the first time that E is meeting them. He's a bit nervous. They are going to get married for her family while we are there. I'm really excited about this trip. We'll be staying with M's family, and perhaps hitting Grenada. Diving? Contained.

For a while. I have Sun/Mon off as my new schedule. I don't know how long that will last, but I'm hoping for the long-term. It's nice to have a weekend again. I don't feel rushed to finish my laundry on Sunday and it gives me the chance to run away should I choose (see This Weekend)

Off to dinner at Barclay's with the Climbing Crowd.


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