Wow, so Pushy
Fine then. A juicy tid bit. One of my, eh, more recent posts was a Top Ten of sorts and my number 10 was that I wasn't sure I'd ever fall in love again. Of course realisticly I knew it was unlikely that I wouldn't, but at that point ( a year ago ) it had been four years since I had met anyone who really made me feel alive. My dating life was going well enough, but in January of last year I had been seeing someone who played a few to many games and really wasn't clear with me about what she was looking for, so I decided to go on a hiatus. For the remainder of February through the begining of May. Three and a half months. Good, no more worries about the ladies. No dates, no drunk dialing, just me. However, shortly there after I had the good fortune to join a indoor soccer team. At our first team meeting I was talking with my friend PK, when two ladies who were on our team walked in. Immediately I asked him what their stories were. I got the back ground on both of them and asked more questions about one, Susan. The season began, and was certainly more attracted to her as time progressed, but my darn hiatus kept me from taking the iniative. I had told my roommates, and almost anyone that would listen, that I was on hiatus, BUT if she asked me out, then all bets were off. Well she asked me out and on April 7 last year, and our first date was on April 14 and is still going on. So I'll let you know how it goes when our first date is over. :P
At 3:13 PM,
eingy said…
Re: the first date thing -- that could not have been expressed any more cutely if it had been on CuteOverload with a picture of a puppy with a chubby belly.
At 4:20 PM,
Unknown said…
Yay! I'd heard about this a tiny bit second hand, but so glad to hear it from you somewhat-kinda-directly as well.
At 5:46 PM,
Seppo said…
At 7:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wait a second... He does have a room, and IT'S IN YOUR HOUSE!!!
At 8:08 PM,
Joseph said…
Thank you Colin. I appreciate your standing up for me. :D
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