Going to Nepal

Joe's wild, zany adventures to Nepal and at home.

17 May 2004

Today is Banda (Maoist) Day One. There are less places closed than last weeks, more cars on the street, and internet places (a few) are open. Takes awhile to find one though. Apparently the photos of the protests have people concerned, I understand that, but the protests are very peaceful and the people involved just want you to understand what they are fighting for. I don't like to tell them that democracy won't really help them. Today I'm riding up to Kopan Monastary despite not feeling well, perhaps this is not the best choice, but whatever. It'll be nice there. This morning (somewhat graffic content to follow) I found some blood in my stool. I've come to the conclusion that I have amoebic dysentary. Got some medication, so hopefully that'll help. It's always fun to read the guide book and say "whoa, that's what I've got!!"


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