Going to Nepal

Joe's wild, zany adventures to Nepal and at home.

05 May 2004

Well, Swayumbunath didn't happen. Okay, I didn't make it there. It was a combination of really bad luck, illness, and sheer exhaustion from the days events. I meet up with two of the volunteers from April and our plan was to get to Sway around 2:30 to meet up with a few others. We spent a few hours wandering around Thamel, something that I haven't done, then we decided to take a bus out to Balaju to relax at my house for an hour or so. We somehow got on the right bus, and rode it to about a kilometer from my place. As we were getting off the bus, Natalie one of the Dutch kids, reached into her pack to get her wallet. Not there. Okay, we quickly scan the bus, not there. In her wallet was: credit card, ATM card, 10,000r, and HER PASSPORT. Whoops. We quickly get to my place, rummage the bag a little more throughly, not in there. Race back to the restaurant, not there. Then we started with the police. It being a holiday, they didn't feel like working very hard. She had to go back today, then to the Embassy, then back out to Baktapur, then to Patan, the back to Kathmandu. She has to back to the police tomorrow and the embassy. While we are dealing with all this, the Canadian volunteer Jenny, starts having bad stomach problems. It was such a "relaxing" day. I'm taking friday off to renew my passport, and am expecting to encounter "trouble" in order to meet with Beth (library ma'am) for a beer. I look forward to that. She may be bring my sounvier bag home when she leaves at the end of May. Cool lady.
In other news, today was, by far, my best day with the kids. They were really listening to me. I may not have taught alot today, but they were very cooporative. At several points during the day, I was really amazed at how much was being done, and how everyone was working really hard. I think that I made a difference today. :D


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