I did stuff.........

It rained today. I guess it's the begining of that "season" in the BA. A few weeks ago we had a little rain and I decided to get new wipers for my car and some rain-x. I'd never used rain-x before and wasn't really sure that it worked, but I put it on my front, two side and rear window. Basically it causes the water to bead up and run off rather easily. I love having it on my car. Combined with the new wipers, I feel ustoppable in the rain. (perhaps this is why the CHP pulled me over for speeding last tuesday at 3:45am for doing 78 in a 65. WTF? There were three cars on the road: me, him, and the guy I passed. Just doing his job, I know. It was my first ticket in 11 years.)
On my way home from work I decided to stop at the Vill and get some groceries, I need some yogurt, carrots and a few other things. After I left, I realized that I hadn't gotten anything to eat for dinner tonight. Burrito. However, since I was going down to College Ave, I figured I'd swing by The Pasta Shop and get a few things for dinner later this week. I'm really starting to like this place. You can get FRESH pasta for $3.50/lb. When you buy, they ask how many sheets you want, then cut it for you. DAMN. Two weeks ago I got almost 2lbs of pasta and three sausages for $15. That fed four for dinner and then me for two more meals. Yummy!! Anyhow, I got some herb fettucine that I'll make with proscuitto and some Raviolis. After I left, I picked up a burrito for dinner. Sure, I'd only done a little of the weekly grocery shopping, but I accomplished things off the 'ole DO THIS list. I laughed to myself thinking about times that I had a list, had left something off of it, added it to the list after I finished it, just so I could cross it off. Hehehe. Stupid, juvenilee, sure, but I like doing stuff and finishing it. I'm usually horrible at this (see: my unfolded laundry, my un-done dishes ((that I'm lucky are not in my bed!!)), my just almost registered car, etc....you get the picture), so when I do something and finish it, it makes me feel good.
A few things that made me feel good yesterday. Juking out Tyler and nutmegging him (he spent 30 minutes trying to get me back), scoring a goal through Ricky's legs, dribbling around Rhaul and getting compliments on my ball control and yesterday's big accomplishment, doing my laundry and folding it all on the same day. Can I get a hell yea? OH YEA, I also got a new monitor for my computer, ditched the desktop, hooked the new monitor up to the laptop, removed the hard drive from the old desktop and attached that to the laptop (still not working, HELP!!). So I hope this is a trend for the future. More juking out people who are better than me at footie.
At 10:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm so bad about folding laundry. I'll do 6 loads in one day, but don't you ask me to fold them. My theory is that I'm just going to wear them again in a couple of days so folding them and putting them in the dresser is just two unnecessary steps between wearing and throwing into the dirty clothes.
At 10:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
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