Sure, I need to.....
Update my blog more often, but there are times when I can't think of anything interesting to write about. Oh, so here's something. It, uh, "recently" came to my attention that I'm going to be an Uncle. The impending addition to our family will be arriving this week. I won't go into details describing what they're doing in order to accelerate the arrival, (mostly because I get a little quesy thinking about it) but I'm gonna be an Uncle. OH, and this past week one of my best friend's wives gave birth to a 9lb 5oz baby boy. And then next month another of my best friend's girlfriend is having their baby. I used to think that I wanted kids, not so sure anymore. I guess with K&K having their son, I'll learn a little about what it's like having kids. A friend of mine ( you know who you are) has told me that when you friends start having kids, it changes the relationship you have with them. I totally agree. How could it not, right? One day you're hanging out, running a few times a week together (robes) and then WHAMO, changing dipers, late nights, early mornings, dirty shirts, funny smells and really expensive crap for your kid consumes your life. And don't me started on how other members of the family get really excited. Sure it's very exciting, but wow, you're not having the kid. I'm sure that I'll love my nephew, but K, just putting it out there now, I haven't changed a diaper yet in my life, and I don't plan on it until I've got my own, if I decided to have chillins'. (secretly i'm pretty damn excited about k&k kid, but must remain calm, to many worked up people. there's a phone tree for things that are happening. call me when i can see the child). Life keeps moving foward.
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