To you, yes you......
You. The person who borrowed two lug nuts off my front right wheel. You've got my nuts in your hand. Or your pocket. Both of them. I can only imagine what it's like to have another man's nuts in your hand. Did you enjoy it? I hope so. I didn't. Didn't enjoy it at all. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that I was left feeling violated. You came without a word, took my nuts and left. Really? Is this how you treat people who's nuts you take? No please, thank you, can I, may I, would you like it if.... No respect. Not just for me, but for the other's. Yes, the nuts on the highway. Especially those on 101N, 92E, 880N, 238N or 580E. Fortunately for those past 92E, I realized I was missing my nuts, and could have left my loaded front tire on the sheets. That would have made a real mess, something doing laundry at 3am doesn't clean up. I found a place to pick up a few extra nuts. Took awhile to find the right size. These are bigger. Makes me feel more like a man with my bigger nuts. I hope you see them. See them and realize that I traded up from, person with my other two nuts. Don't worry though, those big nuts won't be there long. I'm going to get some locking ones. Then you have to ask permission to borrow my nuts. And won't be left feeling violated again.
At 12:28 PM,
Unknown said…
I'm glad you weren't hurt!
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