Going to Nepal

Joe's wild, zany adventures to Nepal and at home.

18 May 2004

Banda Day Two- Well this internet place is open again today. Nice for me. Yesterday there was a plan to ride to Kopan Monestary but while seaching around for the school of another volunteer that teachs near my school, another cyclist decided to try and make like the Four Runner that ran over my dad last year. Well, it was alot less violent, but still not fun. I landed on my knee, didn't lose much skin, but brused the knee pretty good. It's funny in situations like this to realize just how easy these types of injuries are to take care of in the states. Just grab a bag of peas/lima beans/mixed veggies, take some motrin, and ice it up. Not once in Nepal have I seen ice for sale. Not in one freezer, only in a few restaurants. As Jenny and I slowly rode back to Nima's, I could feel the swelling to begin. I laid out on the bench in the garden, pain starting to set in. We began to discuss with Nima how in Canada and the States, it is so easy to deal with this, ice and motrin. "Oh, you need ice?" he says. "I have some." Relief. That combined with 1200mg of ibuprofin, and relief was purchased for 10r. The knee is a little sore today, not ready for the long bike ride that was planned, but Stijn's knee is also not doing well, so I think that we're going to keep it short.
In other brief Nepal news, the Maoist are active due to the Banda, a few bombs here and there, some clashes with the police, NO large scale protests have been spotted by our intrepid travelier, a relief to those at home. The guy at the internet is playing The Backstreet Boys, now I'm truly feeling ill. "Bring me a bucket"-Meaning of Life. That's for you Sketch!!!


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