Going to Nepal

Joe's wild, zany adventures to Nepal and at home.

07 July 2004

So, I was thinking today after being asked if I was Turkish for the 50th time since I came here, about all the places have thought that I am from. Only one of them really threw me off, but the rest are fairly close. I have been asked if I was Greek, Turkish, Spanish, Portguese, Italian, and Iranian. That last one threw me a bit. I guess I'm a mediteranian looking guy. Did I also mention that I feel like an international bank? Currently in my wallet I have Nepali rupees, Euros, UAE Dirhams, Thai Baht, and Turkish Lira. No one will change the bloody Dirhams for me.
Another thing that I have noticed is that some of the Turkish men make quite a habit of picking up on women who are traveling alone or in small groups. I feel bad for them, but I watch it happen several times a day. I will admit that I laugh. The girls are usually asked what hotel they are staying in and generally respond with "I don't know". That would bug the hell out of me. Of course perhaps I'm just jealous that none of the Turkish women pick up the foreign men.
I have also developed a cover story. When people start talking to me, I am from Nepal, not the states. This works well, no one seems to know much about Nepal. IF I were from the states I am instantly labeled a sucker and seems as though I can be taken for anything. (rolls eyes). I have also, apparently, been to Turkey three times according to my alter ego. I have been approached by people offering to take to places to buy me a drink or see their family home. Usually this occurs when they have more than one person. Politely decline. No no, I've been to Turkey before. Seen EVERYTHING. Sorry, my Turkish friend is meeting me here in an hour (now this is actually true, I do have a Turkish friend). On the other hand, some people are really very nice. A guy made me a bracelet on the street yesterday, after I told him that I didn't want one, he told me for me no charge. We had had an interesting conversation about money and fame, and I guess what I told him was worth more than the price of the bracelet.


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