Going to Nepal

Joe's wild, zany adventures to Nepal and at home.

01 August 2004

Sorry for the delay LMK. I am back in Munchen with Alex. We had planned on going down to Lake Como in Italy for a few days, but apparently on the day we were supposed to go, it was Bavarian Holiday Exodous. That plan got canceled. We have just been hanging out in Munchen. Yesterday we did a bike tour. I had my first liter of beer glass in the English Garden. Hobbled back onto the bike, then rode for another hour. Barely. Last night I went to see "Super Size Me". A movie about a man who takes on a McDonalds only diet. Terrifying. In the course of a month he put on 25lbs. He could lose it that fast in Nepal. Maybe even faster.
I often think about what my friends are doing in Nepal. Apparently the monsoon season has been especially bad this year, perhaps they have been showing pictures of Bangladesh and India in the states. Not much else to add. 6 weeks and two days left.


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