Going to Nepal

Joe's wild, zany adventures to Nepal and at home.

27 November 2004

So everyday for the past week and a half or so, I have been having image flashes from Nepal. Some include the horror of seeing the toilet for the first time to seeing the Ganesh Himal from Kirtipur. All of these memories have a wonderful calming effect on me. It's almost like I get to go back there for the briefest of moments and then I am reinserted into the reality that I have to live here. I think that it is helping to keep me sane. My plan is to head back during the summer of 2006 for, hopefully, two months, however, I found myself checking the DVC course schedule the other day to find out when spring break is next year and then checking travelocity to see how much a ticket would be. $1500/rt. A bit much, but something to consider. Most students will take a run to Cancun, I may head to Kathmandu. Sure, sure it's a long way to go for just a week, but the memories are so burnt in my mind, so vivid that it would be worth it. Beside, who else goes on vacation for a week with just a carry on.
In other news, AJ and Jono from Austarlia will be coming through the Bay Area next week. Not sure what we'll be doing, but it'll be nice to see them again. Been working, not like I used to but enough to keep me happy. Learning how to cut meat is alot more fun than I thought it would be. And buying produce with Steve-0 is great. Getting up at 3am kills me, but it is decidedly worth it.
What else? Oh, saturday soccer is back on. We've had pretty good attendance on that. Ole has been bringing half of east Oakland with him. Lots of trash talking, still trying to teach them how not to count goals. You're there for fun, not to win.