Hm, no serious updates. Just begining to feel a little apprehension, which was to be expected. Trying to figure out where to put all the stuff that I have. Ma and Pop's driveway is turning into a parking lot, so leaving the car there is out. I may leave it at Seppo's. It's not going to be insured, so no one can really drive it. I'm thinking of creating a little handout sheet on what I'm doing, different people, same questions. I'm considering changing my answer of why I'm going from "iI've always wanted to go there, and now is a wonderful time in my life to go", to "I plan on taking over the country through cult popularity, like Arnuld has done in Cali.". I'm thinking it'll go over well. Or not. Input? Please email.
29 December 2003
22 December 2003
Not much to add. Got my passport, looks alot more like me than the one from when I was 16. My travel time is almost a day and a half. :( That wont be very fun. I leave on 12 Feb for Hong Kong, then catch a flight to Bangkok and from there to Nepal. That's about it at this time.
14 December 2003
Day 73- Having managed to survive several bouts of severe diarreha, I've managed to eat some gruel that the rebels are serving us. There are four in my group, Brak, Grr, Zim and myself are the survivors. The others were forced to endure several hours of torture in something called the tickeling pit. I shudder at the thought. Poor, poor Piglet. I think that they made a Luau with him. Sniffel. Oh, sorry, I'm just practicing for my misadventures. :D LOVE YA MA!!!!
12 December 2003
So, this is my site for my forth coming adventures in Nepal, where I hope not to commit to many cultural fau paux (see edward, I can spell in French), or get shot by maoist rebels (this is ma and pop's greatest fear). So I plan on updating with more information as it comes to me. Right now I know that I will be in Katmandu, the capital, teaching english. That is interesting in and of itself because, well, I 've never taught english in my life. That's about it for now. I'll put up more later.