Going to Nepal

Joe's wild, zany adventures to Nepal and at home.

27 February 2007

Comfy, comforting, contained........

Excitement. Today, this weekend, April, for a while.

Today. I made my bed (shaddup). Changed the sheets, put on the duvet cover ( I always struggle with this). Puffed up the feather bed, rotated the mattress. So excited, my bed will be so comfy tonight. It's like four feet tall. :D

This weekend. I have Sat, Sun, Mon off. I'm going to Hawaii. The Cuz is free, WB is free. It's on like Donkey Kong. I get in Friday night at 9:45, have a few beers, sleep. SCUBA on Sat am. No plans the rest of the weekend. My flight leaves Mon night at 9:45 and I arrive at SFO at 4:45am on Tue. Straight to work. Comforting to see the Cuz and WB.

April. I'm going to Nicaragua with E&ML to see M's family. It'll be the first time that E is meeting them. He's a bit nervous. They are going to get married for her family while we are there. I'm really excited about this trip. We'll be staying with M's family, and perhaps hitting Grenada. Diving? Contained.

For a while. I have Sun/Mon off as my new schedule. I don't know how long that will last, but I'm hoping for the long-term. It's nice to have a weekend again. I don't feel rushed to finish my laundry on Sunday and it gives me the chance to run away should I choose (see This Weekend)

Off to dinner at Barclay's with the Climbing Crowd.

22 February 2007

I'm a lemming!! I'm a lemming!!!

Got this from SH:
RULES: Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.

1) When I shower in the morning (which is EVERYDAY), I wash my body in the exact same order. I wash between each of my toes and the under part of the toes and the foot. I used to have REALLY smelly feet. Now, not so bad. I also wash my pits twice. For other people's benefit. My family is the only group who seem to think I smell.

2) If it wern't for dinner, I'd eat almost the same thing every single day I work. I eat a bowl of cereal and soymilk in the morning before I go to work. Then around 8am I eat my yogurt. Into the yogurt I dip my banana. I experimented with cutting the banana up and putting it in, but that just didn't work. After eating the banana, I put in some GrapeNuts. About 11am, I eat either an apple or an orange and I eat the other with my peanut butter and honey sanwich between 12:30 and 1. I also eat my carrots at this time. Of these basic daily items the cereal, soymilk, yogurt, bread, peanut butter, apple, banana and orange are organic. The GrapeNus are not, but I can't find a good subsitute. The honey is also not certified organic, but there are very few that are.

3) I listen to music while going to sleep every night. I don't need it to fall asleep, but I like listening. Dead Can Dance, Massive Attack, Coldplay, and Paul Simon dominate the late night playlist.

4) I pick my nose. Without shame.

5) I have more hair on my feet than I do on my legs. Actually, that's not a fact I hide. I like my hairy feet. It's on the second digits of my toes and along the edges. A relative of mine had feet that compared to mine in their hairness, but he waxes them now. Cheater.

6) I don't workout as much as people think I do. That being said, I won't quit.

7) I love kids. They scare me. I hate the future for them. I think they're awesome. I worry to much.

8) I would love to go stay at a four star hotel in a posh European city, go to a spa, get a massage, eat at many fancy restaurants, drink lots of fantastic wine. But I can never get the idea of how many months exploring a third world country it would cost me out of my head.

9) I have a huge number of friends. Of course this depends on how you define friend. And by my definition, I have a huge number. And yet there are times when I feel alone and can't bring myself to call any of them.

10) I want to be in love. I once knew what it was like. Now, at times I feel like I'll never know again. I see ATMT, SHEC, ACBC, CBNB, ELML, and other couples I know, and I want that. This probably suprises many people, but some people not so much.

I'll tag: whoever it is in Tasmania that's reading (really I want to know who you are, but I think you have a PhD.), KJJ (yea, you.), Casa Caudill, KV of RWC, my Aunt, and four other random readers. Post it here, you don't have to say who you are. Leave me a hint if I know you.

16 February 2007

Yea, yea it's not a real post, BUT

It's funny as hell.

01 February 2007

The great shuffle.........

I have way to much music on my mp3 player (it shall remain nameless, but it makes good pies ;D) Over 6k tracks. I decieded awhile back that I didn't listen to enough of it. How to solve this problem? I couldn't create a playlist of tracks that I haven't heard, my old internal hard drive that has all the music on it is not working with my new configuration (laptop only). I have it in a new case and all that. KB.....?
Back to the mp3 ithingy. So I decide to put it on shuffle and just let it play until I had gone through 10% of the tracks. Over 600 tracks. No serious rules like I HAD to listen every track, but still a concerted effort to listen to more of them. Well, that game ended about a week ago. I had gone through over 1200 tracks. My battery died and it didn't pick up where it left off. Oh well, it was fun listening to music that I hadn't heard in sometime. Now if only I could KB to get that damn hard drive working...
And for tonights entertainment:

Awesome. I love it when he puts the pan in the "oven".